那自己就找找吧! 看有没有合适的,在网络上一搜索,找到了这个分享给大家。
由 jacobwb发布在 github 上的开源项目,目前版本为2.0,共有两个分支;
HashOver 1.0.1
https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover (原版1.0)
百度网盘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1fG9nq6affLvcKFT3HGMQ 提取码: r1a2
HashOver 2.0 (development)
https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover-next //作者一直在持续更新
https://github.com/AndreaCatania/hashover-next //AndreaCatania 的 分支版本
https://gitee.com/jiangfei1006/hashover //国内开源项目平台
如果你保存的有之前多说的数据,那么你可以下载一个转换程序,将多说数据直接转换为 HashOver 数据。
作者:图月志 JJYing
下面来介绍一下 HashOver 评论系统的安装与使用。
1、先到上面的链接下载 HashOver,解压,将 hashover 目录上传到你网站目录。
<script type="text/javascript" src="/hashover/loader.php"></script>
<div id="hashover">
<center id="loading">
<img src="./hashover/images/loading-ltr.gif" alt="Loading..." width="90" height="30">
<center id="loading">
<img src="./hashover/images/loading-ltr.gif" alt="Loading..." width="90" height="30">
//这里是加载提示,可以直接删除,或者自己制作一个gif 替换。
//但是 <div id="hashover"></div> 必须有
4、打开 hashover/backend/classes/secrets.php 进行配置
class Secrets
// E-mail for notification of new comments
protected $notificationEmail = 'example@example.com'; //设置接收评论提醒的邮箱
// Unique encryption key (case-sensitive)
protected $encryptionKey = '8CharKey'; //设置一个key 必须修改
// Login name to gain admin rights (case-sensitive)
protected $adminName = 'admin'; //设置你评论管理的用户名
// Login password to gain admin rights (case-sensitive)
protected $adminPassword = 'passwd'; //设置你评论管理的密码
// Type of database, sqlite or mysql
protected $databaseType = 'sqlite'; //设置你评论系统的数据库类型(可以不改)
// Database name
protected $databaseName = 'hashover-threads'; //设置为mysql后的数据库名
// SQL database host name
protected $databaseHost = 'localhost'; //设置为mysql后的数据地址
// SQL database login user
protected $databaseUser = 'root'; //设置为mysql后的数据库用户名
// SQL database login password
protected $databasePassword = 'password'; //设置为mysql后的数据库密码
// SQL database character set
protected $databaseCharset = 'utf8'; //这个还需要在解释一下的话,你就不适合做站长
// SMTP server host name //以下是邮件设置,默认使用sendmail发送邮件,当你设置为smtp发送时下面的设置才会生效,当然,你可以在后台设置发送邮件的方式。
protected $smtpHost = 'smtp.gmail.com'; //SMTP地址
// SMTP server port number //SMTP端口
protected $smtpPort = 465;
// SMTP server encryption method
protected $smtpCrypto = 'ssl'; //SMTP加密
// SMTP server requires login authentication
protected $smtpAuth = true;
// SMTP server user
protected $smtpUser = 'user'; //SMTP用户名
// SMTP server password
protected $smtpPassword = 'password'; //SMTP密码
完成上面的设置你的 HashOver 就已经可以用了。访问 /hashover/admin来设置 ,用你刚刚设置的用户名和密码登陆,登陆后在设置中,可以将语言设置为简体中文。然后评论系统的设置也都在这里面。
评论框上面有 名称、密码、邮件、网址 四个字段,通常密码字段是不需要的。后台无法关闭和控制这些。
需要打开 hashover/backend/classes/settings.php文件来进行设置。
class SafeSettings
// Primary settings
public $language = 'auto'; // UI language, for example 'en', 'de', etc. 'auto' to use system locale
public $theme = 'default'; // Comment Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
public $allowsImages = true; // Whether external image URLs wrapped in [img] tags are embedded
public $allowsLikes = true; // Whether a "Like" link is displayed
public $allowsDislikes = false; // Whether a "Dislike" link is displayed; allowing Reddit-style voting
public $usesAjax = true; // Whether AJAX is used for posting, editing, and loading comments
public $collapsesInterface = false; // Whether the comment form, thread, and end links are all initially hidden
public $collapsesComments = true; // Whether to hide comments and display a link to show them
public $collapseLimit = 3; // Number of comments that aren't hidden
public $replyMode = 'thread'; // Whether to display replies as a 'thread' or as a 'stream'
public $streamDepth = 3; // In stream mode, the number of reply indentions to allow before the thread flattens
public $popularityThreshold = 5; // Minimum likes a comment needs to be popular
public $popularityLimit = 2; // Number of comments allowed to become popular
public $usesMarkdown = true; // Whether comments will be parsed for Markdown
// Date and Time settings
public $serverTimezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // Server timezone
public $usesUserTimezone = true; // Whether comment dates should use the user's timezone (JavaScript-mode)
public $usesShortDates = true; // Whether comment dates are shortened, for example "X days ago"
public $timeFormat = 'g:ia'; // Time format, use 'H:i' for 24-hour format (see: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
public $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y'; // Date format (see: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
// Field options, use true/false to enable/disable a field,
// use 'required' to require a field be properly filled
public $fieldOptions = array (
'name' => true, #是否显示名称字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'password' => true, #是否显示密码字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'email' => true, #是否显示邮箱字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'website' => true #是否显示网址字段 true为显示 false为不显示
// Behavior settings
public $displaysTitle = true; // Whether page title is shown or not
public $formPosition = 'top'; // Position for primary form; options: 'top' or 'bottom'
public $showsReplyCount = true; // Whether to show reply count separately from total
public $countIncludesDeleted = true; // Whether comment counts should include deleted comments
public $iconMode = 'image'; // How to display avatar icons (either 'image', 'count' or 'none')
public $iconSize = 45; // Size of Gravatar icons in pixels
public $imageFormat = 'png'; // Format for icons and other images (use 'svg' for HDPI)
public $usesLabels = false; // Whether to display labels above inputs
public $usesCancelButtons = true; // Whether forms have "Cancel" buttons
public $appendsCss = true; // Whether to automatically add a CSS <link> element to the page <head>
public $appendsRss = true; // Whether a comment RSS feed link is displayed
// Technical settings
public $subscribesUser = true; // Whether to subscribe the user to e-mail notifications by default
public $allowsUserReplies = false; // Whether given e-mails are sent as reply-to address to users
public $gravatarDefault = 'custom'; // Gravatar theme to use ('custom', 'identicon', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', or 'retro')
public $gravatarForce = false; // Whether to force the themed Gravatar images instead of an avatar image
public $minifiesJavascript = false; // Whether JavaScript output should be minified
public $minifyLevel = 4; // How much to minify JavaScript code, options: 1, 2, 3, 4
打开 hashover/backend/classes/sensitivesettings.php
class SensitiveSettings extends SafeSettings
// Primary settings
public $dataFormat = 'xml'; // Format comments will be stored in; options: xml, json, sql
public $defaultName = 'Anonymous'; // Default name to use when one isn't given
public $allowsLogin = true; // Whether users can login and logout (when false form cookies are still set)
public $usesModeration = false; // Whether comments must be approved before they appear to other visitors
public $pendsUserEdits = false; // Whether comments need to be approved again when edited
// E-mail settings
public $mailer = 'sendmail'; // How to send notification e-mails, either 'sendmail' or 'smtp'
public $mailType = 'text'; // What format to send e-mails in, either 'text' or 'html'
public $noreplyEmail = 'noreply@example.com'; // E-mail used when no e-mail is given
// Behavior settings
public $usesAutoLogin = true; // Whether a user's first comment automatically logs them in
// Technical settings
public $loginMethod = 'defaultLogin'; // Login method class for handling user login information
public $setsCookies = true; // Whether cookies are enabled
public $secureCookies = false; // Whether cookies set over secure HTTPS will only be transmitted over HTTPS
public $storesIpAddress = false; // Whether to store users' IP addresses
public $spamDatabase = 'remote'; // Whether to use a remote or local spam database
public $spamCheckModes = 'php'; // Perform IP spam check in 'json' or 'php' mode, or 'both'
public $enabledApi = array ('all'); // An array of enabled API. 'all' = fully-enabled, empty array = fully disabled
public $latestMax = 10; // Maximum number of comments to save as latest comments
public $latestTrimWidth = 100; // Number of characters to trim latest comments to, 0 for no trim
public $userDeletionsUnlink = false; // Whether user deleted files are actually unlinked from the filesystem
public $allowLocalMetadata = false; // Whether default metadata should be collected while running on a local server
// Types of images allowed to be embedded in comments
public $imageTypes = array (
// External domains allowed to remotely load HashOver scripts
public $allowedDomains = array (
'' //这里给出了修改案例,按照你的域名设置即可!
// '*.example.com',
// '*.example.org',
// '*.example.net'
1、修改时区 ,在后台设置中找到 “在用户的时区(JavaScript模式)中显示日期/时间” 选项,将后面的 “America/Los_Angeles” 修改为 “Asia/Shanghai” 时间就会按照 我们的 +8 时区来显示!
window.addEventListener('load',function() {
window.onload = function() {
$(window).load(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
$(function() {
function jiangfei() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$("#hashover-sort-select").val("threaded-by-date").change(); #模拟点击排序为新评论优先显示而已。
$("#hashover-end-links").remove(); #这句删除下面的链接信息!
那自己就找找吧! 看有没有合适的,在网络上一搜索,找到了这个分享给大家。
由 jacobwb发布在 github 上的开源项目,目前版本为2.0,共有两个分支;
HashOver 1.0.1
https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover (原版1.0)
百度网盘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1fG9nq6affLvcKFT3HGMQ 提取码: r1a2
HashOver 2.0 (development)
https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover-next //作者一直在持续更新
https://github.com/AndreaCatania/hashover-next //AndreaCatania 的 分支版本
https://gitee.com/jiangfei1006/hashover //国内开源项目平台
如果你保存的有之前多说的数据,那么你可以下载一个转换程序,将多说数据直接转换为 HashOver 数据。
作者:图月志 JJYing
下面来介绍一下 HashOver 评论系统的安装与使用。
1、先到上面的链接下载 HashOver,解压,将 hashover 目录上传到你网站目录。
<script type="text/javascript" src="/hashover/loader.php"></script>
<div id="hashover">
<center id="loading">
<img src="./hashover/images/loading-ltr.gif" alt="Loading..." width="90" height="30">
<center id="loading">
<img src="./hashover/images/loading-ltr.gif" alt="Loading..." width="90" height="30">
//这里是加载提示,可以直接删除,或者自己制作一个gif 替换。
//但是 <div id="hashover"></div> 必须有
4、打开 hashover/backend/classes/secrets.php 进行配置
class Secrets
// E-mail for notification of new comments
protected $notificationEmail = 'example@example.com'; //设置接收评论提醒的邮箱
// Unique encryption key (case-sensitive)
protected $encryptionKey = '8CharKey'; //设置一个key 必须修改
// Login name to gain admin rights (case-sensitive)
protected $adminName = 'admin'; //设置你评论管理的用户名
// Login password to gain admin rights (case-sensitive)
protected $adminPassword = 'passwd'; //设置你评论管理的密码
// Type of database, sqlite or mysql
protected $databaseType = 'sqlite'; //设置你评论系统的数据库类型(可以不改)
// Database name
protected $databaseName = 'hashover-threads'; //设置为mysql后的数据库名
// SQL database host name
protected $databaseHost = 'localhost'; //设置为mysql后的数据地址
// SQL database login user
protected $databaseUser = 'root'; //设置为mysql后的数据库用户名
// SQL database login password
protected $databasePassword = 'password'; //设置为mysql后的数据库密码
// SQL database character set
protected $databaseCharset = 'utf8'; //这个还需要在解释一下的话,你就不适合做站长
// SMTP server host name //以下是邮件设置,默认使用sendmail发送邮件,当你设置为smtp发送时下面的设置才会生效,当然,你可以在后台设置发送邮件的方式。
protected $smtpHost = 'smtp.gmail.com'; //SMTP地址
// SMTP server port number //SMTP端口
protected $smtpPort = 465;
// SMTP server encryption method
protected $smtpCrypto = 'ssl'; //SMTP加密
// SMTP server requires login authentication
protected $smtpAuth = true;
// SMTP server user
protected $smtpUser = 'user'; //SMTP用户名
// SMTP server password
protected $smtpPassword = 'password'; //SMTP密码
完成上面的设置你的 HashOver 就已经可以用了。访问 /hashover/admin来设置 ,用你刚刚设置的用户名和密码登陆,登陆后在设置中,可以将语言设置为简体中文。然后评论系统的设置也都在这里面。
评论框上面有 名称、密码、邮件、网址 四个字段,通常密码字段是不需要的。后台无法关闭和控制这些。
需要打开 hashover/backend/classes/settings.php文件来进行设置。
class SafeSettings
// Primary settings
public $language = 'auto'; // UI language, for example 'en', 'de', etc. 'auto' to use system locale
public $theme = 'default'; // Comment Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
public $allowsImages = true; // Whether external image URLs wrapped in [img] tags are embedded
public $allowsLikes = true; // Whether a "Like" link is displayed
public $allowsDislikes = false; // Whether a "Dislike" link is displayed; allowing Reddit-style voting
public $usesAjax = true; // Whether AJAX is used for posting, editing, and loading comments
public $collapsesInterface = false; // Whether the comment form, thread, and end links are all initially hidden
public $collapsesComments = true; // Whether to hide comments and display a link to show them
public $collapseLimit = 3; // Number of comments that aren't hidden
public $replyMode = 'thread'; // Whether to display replies as a 'thread' or as a 'stream'
public $streamDepth = 3; // In stream mode, the number of reply indentions to allow before the thread flattens
public $popularityThreshold = 5; // Minimum likes a comment needs to be popular
public $popularityLimit = 2; // Number of comments allowed to become popular
public $usesMarkdown = true; // Whether comments will be parsed for Markdown
// Date and Time settings
public $serverTimezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'; // Server timezone
public $usesUserTimezone = true; // Whether comment dates should use the user's timezone (JavaScript-mode)
public $usesShortDates = true; // Whether comment dates are shortened, for example "X days ago"
public $timeFormat = 'g:ia'; // Time format, use 'H:i' for 24-hour format (see: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
public $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y'; // Date format (see: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
// Field options, use true/false to enable/disable a field,
// use 'required' to require a field be properly filled
public $fieldOptions = array (
'name' => true, #是否显示名称字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'password' => true, #是否显示密码字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'email' => true, #是否显示邮箱字段 true为显示 false为不显示
'website' => true #是否显示网址字段 true为显示 false为不显示
// Behavior settings
public $displaysTitle = true; // Whether page title is shown or not
public $formPosition = 'top'; // Position for primary form; options: 'top' or 'bottom'
public $showsReplyCount = true; // Whether to show reply count separately from total
public $countIncludesDeleted = true; // Whether comment counts should include deleted comments
public $iconMode = 'image'; // How to display avatar icons (either 'image', 'count' or 'none')
public $iconSize = 45; // Size of Gravatar icons in pixels
public $imageFormat = 'png'; // Format for icons and other images (use 'svg' for HDPI)
public $usesLabels = false; // Whether to display labels above inputs
public $usesCancelButtons = true; // Whether forms have "Cancel" buttons
public $appendsCss = true; // Whether to automatically add a CSS <link> element to the page <head>
public $appendsRss = true; // Whether a comment RSS feed link is displayed
// Technical settings
public $subscribesUser = true; // Whether to subscribe the user to e-mail notifications by default
public $allowsUserReplies = false; // Whether given e-mails are sent as reply-to address to users
public $gravatarDefault = 'custom'; // Gravatar theme to use ('custom', 'identicon', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', or 'retro')
public $gravatarForce = false; // Whether to force the themed Gravatar images instead of an avatar image
public $minifiesJavascript = false; // Whether JavaScript output should be minified
public $minifyLevel = 4; // How much to minify JavaScript code, options: 1, 2, 3, 4
打开 hashover/backend/classes/sensitivesettings.php
class SensitiveSettings extends SafeSettings
// Primary settings
public $dataFormat = 'xml'; // Format comments will be stored in; options: xml, json, sql
public $defaultName = 'Anonymous'; // Default name to use when one isn't given
public $allowsLogin = true; // Whether users can login and logout (when false form cookies are still set)
public $usesModeration = false; // Whether comments must be approved before they appear to other visitors
public $pendsUserEdits = false; // Whether comments need to be approved again when edited
// E-mail settings
public $mailer = 'sendmail'; // How to send notification e-mails, either 'sendmail' or 'smtp'
public $mailType = 'text'; // What format to send e-mails in, either 'text' or 'html'
public $noreplyEmail = 'noreply@example.com'; // E-mail used when no e-mail is given
// Behavior settings
public $usesAutoLogin = true; // Whether a user's first comment automatically logs them in
// Technical settings
public $loginMethod = 'defaultLogin'; // Login method class for handling user login information
public $setsCookies = true; // Whether cookies are enabled
public $secureCookies = false; // Whether cookies set over secure HTTPS will only be transmitted over HTTPS
public $storesIpAddress = false; // Whether to store users' IP addresses
public $spamDatabase = 'remote'; // Whether to use a remote or local spam database
public $spamCheckModes = 'php'; // Perform IP spam check in 'json' or 'php' mode, or 'both'
public $enabledApi = array ('all'); // An array of enabled API. 'all' = fully-enabled, empty array = fully disabled
public $latestMax = 10; // Maximum number of comments to save as latest comments
public $latestTrimWidth = 100; // Number of characters to trim latest comments to, 0 for no trim
public $userDeletionsUnlink = false; // Whether user deleted files are actually unlinked from the filesystem
public $allowLocalMetadata = false; // Whether default metadata should be collected while running on a local server
// Types of images allowed to be embedded in comments
public $imageTypes = array (
// External domains allowed to remotely load HashOver scripts
public $allowedDomains = array (
'' //这里给出了修改案例,按照你的域名设置即可!
// '*.example.com',
// '*.example.org',
// '*.example.net'
1、修改时区 ,在后台设置中找到 “在用户的时区(JavaScript模式)中显示日期/时间” 选项,将后面的 “America/Los_Angeles” 修改为 “Asia/Shanghai” 时间就会按照 我们的 +8 时区来显示!
window.addEventListener('load',function() {
window.onload = function() {
$(window).load(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
$(function() {
function jiangfei() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$("#hashover-sort-select").val("threaded-by-date").change(); #模拟点击排序为新评论优先显示而已。
$("#hashover-end-links").remove(); #这句删除下面的链接信息!
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